Author: DrewUniverse
The “New” Year
When it comes to milestones I have a mixed opinion on them, or rather their value. On one hand, they are helpful ways to mark progress and elicit celebration. Holidays, birthdays, anniversaries, and the turn of a new calendar year. At the same time, I somewhat prefer it when we celebrate because we choose to.…
Chronology of Drew’s past phones
Much as I’m a total geek for cordless phones, they just haven’t been a thing since the advent of modern smartphone tech. Wish I had more time with them before they got outmoded, but the tech push said no. My first cell phone.. I’m not sure what it was. Will need to think hard on…
End of Year 2021 – General Update
I knew that between flaring politics and the needlessly-long pandemic that life would be challenging for myself and most everyone else. Yet for some reason this year still felt like more strain than I anticipated. I spent so much time playing catch-up between everything going on, that I had little room to work on my…
The Overdue Return To Blogging
Greets again, at long last! At this point in my life I accept that unexpected hiatuses happen and that’s okay. I could go into a long explanation, but I will put that on-hold for now. Suffice to say that the COVID-19 pandemic took priority. Several months ago, or perhaps it was late 2020 (what is…
Video Game Closures and Sunsetting
One of the many, many things that is tilted about the video game industry is the willingness – and sometimes necessity – to close or sunset creative titles. Instead of improving the game to be “worth more money” they are often shut down in favor of existing game titles that make more money. Yes, big-budget…