Drew’s Blog

My musings reside here! For now, this just shows all my blogs sorted by date (newest at the top). In the future, I will add smart filters. Note: I am having trouble formatting this particular page – sorry for the horrible layout. I will find a way!!

  • Level-ups for the sake of…

    hould start by playing counter-point to myself to stay grounded. If every game with level-up components only gave level-ups when it was “important” or truly advancing the story or the character, it would happen a lot less often. Some people want fast, rapid level ups to occur quite often, or at least some of the… Continue reading

  • Legend of Blog-oon! …. Err, Dragoon.

    Legend of Dragoon. A video game that has held my attention from the first time I got to try it out at the Toys “R” Us store as a child. Over time I learned about various flaws with the game. The poor translation in several languages. Sexism. Plenty of stereotyping and tropes. For better or… Continue reading

  • Time Does Flow – My First Blog Entry

    gging used to be this idea in my head that sounded unknown yet intriguing. It was a new concept, once upon a time. Such a slim percentage of the world population was doing it. I was barely curious to check them out without knowing how insightful they could be at the time – and I… Continue reading