Category: Society

  • This Sucks

    Dipshit extraordinaire has won the election. I have all the feels. This country has great potential but it keeps disappointing. It was stolen by barbarians cloaked in civility, and now it’s being destroyed by barbarians cloaked in civility. I worry for many who live in the US, including myself as a trans person. Part of…

  • Trailers that give away too much plot.

    In many respects knowing what’s coming isn’t necessarily a bad thing in the entertainment world. For example: if a successful show, film, or game spawns a prequel, it’s okay to know a bit about what’s going to happen before we see said prequel. In that case it’s up to the creators to flesh it out…

  • The “New” Year

    When it comes to milestones I have a mixed opinion on them, or rather their value. On one hand, they are helpful ways to mark progress and elicit celebration. Holidays, birthdays, anniversaries, and the turn of a new calendar year. At the same time, I somewhat prefer it when we celebrate because we choose to.…

  • On Fandoms: Loyalty, Principle & the Nuance In-Between

    Today I came across an intriguing question on the Legend of Dragoon subreddit. A person asked if they were the only one who upvoted just about everything on the subreddit just because they liked the game and were happy people keep talking about it. At the time of writing, the post has garnered nearly 100…